5 research outputs found

    Controlling the mobility and enhancing the performance of multiple message ferries in delay tolerant networks

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    In einem drahtlosen Netzwerk mit isolierten und stationĂ€ren Knoten können Adhoc und verzögerungstolerante Netzwerk Routing-Protokolle nicht verwendet werden. Message Ferry Netzwerke sind die Lösung fĂŒr diese FĂ€lle, in denen ein (oder mehrere) Message Ferry Knoten den store-carry-forward Mechanismus verwendet und zwischen den Knoten reist, um Nachrichten auszutauschen. In diesem Fall erfahren die Nachrichten fĂŒr gewöhnlich eine lange Verzögerung. Um die Performance der Message Ferry Netzwerke zu verbessern, kann die MobilitĂ€t der Message Ferry Knoten gesteuert werden. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden zwei Strategien zur Steuerung der MobilitĂ€t der Message Ferry Knoten studiert. Die Strategien sind das on-the-fly Entscheidungsverfahren in Ferry Knoten und die offline Wegplanung fĂŒr Ferry Knoten. FĂŒr die on-the-fly Strategie untersucht diese Arbeit Decision-maker in Ferry Knoten, der die Entscheidung auf Grundlage der lokalen Observation eines Ferry Knoten trifft. Zur Koordinierung mehrerer Ferry Knoten, die keine globale Kenntnis ĂŒber das Netzwerk haben, wird eine indirekte Signalisierung zwischen Ferry Knoten vorgeschlagen. Zur Kooperation der Ferry Knoten fĂŒr die Zustellung der Nachrichten werden einige AnsĂ€tze zum Nachrichtenaustausch zwischen Ferry Knoten vorgeschlagen, in denen der Decision-maker eines Ferry Knotens seine Information mit dem verzögerungstoleranten Router des Ferry Knoten teilt, um die Effizienz des Nachrichtenaustauschs zwischen Ferry Knoten zu verbessern. Umfangreiche Simulationsstudien werden zur Untersuchung der vorgeschlagenen AnsĂ€tze und des Einflusses verschiedener Nachrichtenverkehrsszenarien vorgenommen. Außerdem werden verschiedene Szenarien mit unterschiedlicher Anzahl von Ferry Knoten, verschiedener Geschwindigkeit der Ferry Knoten und verschiedener AnsĂ€tze zum Nachrichtenaustausch zwischen Ferry Knoten studiert. Zur Evaluierung der offline Wegplanungsstrategie wird das Problem als Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (mTSP) modelliert und ein genetischer Algorithmus zur Approximation der Lösung verwendet. Es werden verschiedene Netzwerkarchitekturen zur Pfadplanung der Ferry Knoten vorgestellt und studiert. Schließlich werden die Strategien zur Steuerung der MobilitĂ€t der Ferry Knoten verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Performance der Strategien in Bezug auf die Ende-zu-Ende-Verzögerung von dem Szenario des Nachrichtenverkehrs abhĂ€ngt. In Szenarien, wie Nachrichtenverkehr in Sensor-Netzwerken, in denen ein Knoten die Nachrichten zu allen anderen Knoten sendet oder von allen anderen Knoten empfĂ€ngt, zeigt die offline Wegplanung, basierend auf der mTSP Lösung, bessere Performance als die on-the-fly Strategie. Andererseits ist die on-the-fly Stratgie eine bessere Wahl in Szenarien wie Nachrichtenaustausch zwischen RettungskrĂ€ften wĂ€hrend einer Katastrophe, in denen alle drahtlose Knoten die Nachrichten austauschen mĂŒssen. Zudem ist die on-the-fly Strategie flexibler, robuster als offline Wegplanung und benötigt keine Initialisierungszeit.In a wireless network with isolated and stationary nodes, ad hoc and delay tolerant routing approaches fail to deliver messages. Message ferry networks are the solution for such networks where one or multiple mobile nodes, i.e. message ferry, apply the store-carry-forward mechanism and travel between nodes to exchange their messages. Messages usually experience a long delivery delay in this type of network. To improve the performance of message ferry networks, the mobility of ferries can be controlled. In this thesis, two main strategies to control mobility of multiple message ferries are studied. The strategies are the on-the-fly mobility decision making in ferries and the offline path planning for ferries. To apply the on-the-fly strategy, this work proposes a decision maker in ferries which makes mobility decisions based on the local observations of ferries. To coordinate multiple ferries, which have no global view from the network, an indirect signaling of ferries is proposed. For cooperation of ferries in message delivery, message forwarding and replication schemes are proposed where the mobility decision maker shares its information with the delay tolerant router of ferries to improve the efficiency of message exchange between ferries. An extensive simulation study is performed to investigate the performance of the proposed schemes and the impact of different traffic scenarios in a network. Moreover, different scenarios with different number of ferries, different speed of ferries and different message exchange approaches between ferries are studied. To study the offline path planning strategy, the problem is modeled as multiple traveling salesmen problem (mTSP) and a genetic algorithm is applied to approximate the solution. Different network architectures are proposed and studied where the path of ferries are planned in advance. Finally, the strategies to control the mobility of ferries are compared. The results show that the performance of each strategy, in terms of the average end-to-end delay of messages, depends on the traffic scenario in a network. In traffic scenarios same as the traffic in sensor networks, where only a single node generates messages to all nodes or receives messages from all node, the offline path planning based on mTSP solution performs better than the on-the-fly decision making. On the other hand, in traffic scenarios same as the traffic in disaster scenarios, where all nodes in a network may send and receive messages, the on-the-fly decision making provides a better performance. Moreover, the on-thy-fly decision making is always more flexible, more robust and does not need any initialization time

    Developing a Location-Based Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering Technique in the Tourism Industry

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    The rapid growth of new information and products in the virtual environment has made it time consuming to acquire relevant information and knowledge amidst a vast amount of information. Therefore, an intelligent system that can offer the most appropriate and desirable among the large amount of information and products by following the conditions and features selected by each user should be essentially efficient. Systems that perform this task are called recommendation systems. Given the volume of social network data, challenges such as short-term processing and increased accuracy of recommendations are discussed in this type of system. Hence, it can perform processes faster with less error and can be effective in improving the performance of social recommending systems in improving the classification and clustering of information with the help of collaboration filtering methods. This study first develops an innovative conceptual model of a social network-based tourism recommendation system using Flicker network data. This model is based on 9 key components. The comparison show that the proposed method has an accuracy of 0.3% and a lower error rate

    An application of TOPSIS method for task scheduling algorithm in grid computing environment

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    Today, the world facing with huge flood of data and the recent advances in computer technology have provided the capability to process significant amount of data. On the other hand, analyzing the information requires resources that most institutions do not have, independently. To handle such circumstances, grid computing has emerged as an important research area where the calculation of distributed computing and clustering are different. In this study, we propose a grid computing architecture as a set of protocols that use the cumulative knowledge of computers, networks, databases and scientific instruments based on the implementation of Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) technique. The results of the implementation of the proposed algorithm on grid systems indicate the superiority of the proposed approach in terms of validation criteria scheduling algorithms, such as task completion time and the performance compared with some alternative method

    Modeling user navigation behavior in web by colored Petri nets to determine the user's interest in recommending web pages

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    One of existing challenges in personalization of the web is increasing the efficiency of a web in meeting the users' requirements for the contents they require in an optimal state. All the information associated with the current user behavior following in web and data obtained from pervious users’ interaction in web can provide some necessary keys to recommend presentation of services, productions, and the required information of the users. This study aims at presenting a formal model based on colored Petri nets to identify the present user's interest, which is utilized to recommend the most appropriate pages ahead. In the proposed design, recommendation of the pages is considered with respect to information obtained from pervious users' profile as well as the current session of the present user. This model offers the updated proposed pages to the user by clicking on the web pages. Moreover, an example of web is modeled using CPN Tools. The results of the simulation show that this design improves the precision factor. We explain, through evaluation where the results of this method are more objective and the dynamic recommendations demonstrate that the results of the recommended method improve the precision criterion 15% more than the static method

    Applying Message Forwarding and Replication to Multi-UAV Message Ferry Networks

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